
To Homeschool or Not to Homeschool? The EPIC question that we stewed and prayed over for years. We're now so thankful for that decision and change for our son. Every family has to do what is right for them, their child, and their circumstances. There is no right or wrong way...and every year we re-evaluate the journey we're on with our son.
We began homeschooling our son in 3rd grade. It has been a joy and a journey. More to come about our journey. Our son loves hands on learning, experiences, reading historical fiction, and playing outdoors.
We love supporting his learning style, needs, and neurodiversity! He's an amazing young man and we're so proud of him.
📚Check out our favorite books for READING ALOUD with your child. We began reading chapter books before bedtime the summer before kindergarten. We are still reading books together and my son is almost 16. We started reading books about adventures and then historical fiction. This time together has been a nice way to connect after a long day. Enjoy our favorite books by finding them at the library or a second hand store. Or, if it’s easier, grab them from our curated Amazon Storefront.
Some of our favorite resources:
Georgia Home Education Association (GHEA)
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
Resources for Aspiring or Current Homeschooling Families in Atlanta
National Geographic for Kids
Art Hub for Kids
20 Tips to know before you begin:
1. Become a student of your child. Study what makes them excited or curious. Follow their lead. Discern what kind of learner they are based on age, personality, and interests.
2. Join homeschool groups on Facebook and learn/share strategies with seasoned home educators.
3. Link up with other families who share your same values for education and family. Connect with them locally or virtually.
4. Seek out opportunities to naturally engage your learner through reading books, playing, exploring outdoors, family hiking, walking in a park, and cooking in the kitchen.
5. Be flexible. Adjust expectations.
6. Find resources. Bookmark websites. Research. Source creatively. Many can be found for free.
7. Many museums, zoos, libraries, and history centers have free educational resources available on their websites.
8. Homeschool does not look like, nor should it replicate, traditional school.
9. Travel. Field trips. Excursions. Sleep in. Cook together. Go grocery shopping. Do life. Enjoy the flexibility.
10. You know your child best. Every child is different and learns at their own pace. Don’t compare or push if your child isn’t ready.
11. You may want to create a rhythm for your day to feel productive and organized with your learner. Other days you may prefer to be more organic and loose. It’s okay. Breathe. Set small goals for the week and weave learning into your daily routine.
12. There are so many philosophies and approaches to guiding your homeschool. Faith based. Secular. Nature school. Unschool. World school. Virtual school. Game school. Classical education. Charlotte Mason.
13. There are hybrid, pods, and cooperative options. Find a group near you: Wild & Free. Classical Conversations. And more.
14. If something isn’t working, make a change. It’s okay to reevaluate every year and make adjustments. You’re not a failure if you try homeschool and decide it’s not for your learner…or you!
15. Plan your year around these areas and invite your children to help with the planning: academic, health, character, social, and life skills.
16. Keep in mind that there may be transitional moments to support your child through: moving, birth of a sibling, family changes, or a medical crisis.
17. Budget time and resources for any extracurricular activities that will benefit your child with physical fitness, skill building, team sport, or an individual sport: art class, scouts, dance, gymnastics, music lessons, martial arts, sports, babysitting, volunteering, job, etc.
18. If you decide to homeschool, become familiar with what your State requires. Every State has different requirements. In Georgia, you need to submit a Declaration of Intent (DOI) every year 1st grade-12th grade. It’s easy and done online in 2 minutes. I set a reminder to do this every August. Save it to your computer or phone. No one ever asks for this document but it’s required for record keeping. Some States require yearly evaluations by an approved Evaluator. They want to see the work that was completed so keep records in a binder, journal, photos, or log. Some create a photo log on social media or use apps for documentation.
19. Grades K-2 is largely helping your child learn to read and grades 3-12+ is reading to learn.
20. Have fun!
How long is a typical homeschool day? Know that you should follow your child’s lead.
Preschool 15-30 mins, then PLAY, read, explore, dance, listen to music, play outdoors, go for walks, the zoo, work puzzles, build, craft, and sing songs. Build rhythms and routines that work with you child and family.
Kindergarten: 30 min to 1 hour, then play, cook, explore, and read. Plus all of the above.
1st - 2nd grade: 45 mins to 1.5 hours
3rd to 4th grade: 1.5 to 3 hours
5th to 6th grade: 2.5 to 3.5 hours
7th to 8th grade: 3 to 4.5 hours
High School: 3.5 to 6 hours