Meet our Chickens

In 2013, we adopted 3 hens not knowing a single thing about owning chickens. We now have 15 and love their delicious eggs, their compostable fertilizer, and their hard work with pest control. They'll "work the grid," eating grubs, larvae, mosquitoes, flies, worms, ticks, and even snakes!
We currently have the following breeds:
(6) Buff Orphington (just one pictured)
(1) Barred Rock (not pictured)
(1) Rhode Island Red
(1) Easter Egger
(1) Bantam
(2) Cinnamon Queen
(2) Silver Laced Wyandotte
(1) Columbian Wyandotte
Check out our favorite supplies for your backyard flock. Grab them from our Amazon Storefront.
Have you lost any hens to predators?
Oh my goodness. Yes. Sadly. Hawks. Neighbor dogs. Coyotes. It's always so hard to lose one. We work really really really hard to keep them safe but sometimes things happen.
How do they do in the heat and cold temperatures?
Chickens actually do very well in the winter. They do better in the winter because their feathers keep them insulated. The summer heat is tough because they can't cool themselves as easily. They will loose some of their feathers as they prepare for the summer. They'll molt in the fall as they grow their winter feathers. In the summer, you'll find them in shady areas or dust bathing in a patch of loose dirt. We give them cold melon rinds to eat and they absolutely love this summer treat. In June, they love to "pick their own blueberries" straight from our berry bushes. They'll dart straight for the berry bushes when we open the coop for free range time.
Do you add anything to their water?
We provide them with fresh water which is a full time job every day. We add a splash of apple cider vinegar which helps with their overall health (prevents them getting parasites like mites). We often add crush garlic as well. ACV and garlic help in so many ways just like it does for you and me!
What do they eat?
They are masters at foraging for worms, grubs, grass, and weeds. We feed them an organic grain as well as meal worms, kale, berries, veggie scraps, and watermelon rinds. They are omnivores and will even eat leftover meat, scrambled eggs, and fish. We also feed back to them their egg shells, dried and crushed, with left over herbs from our kitchen. The calcium in the egg shells helps their eggs to have a hard, protective shell. You and I could clean, dry, and crush egg shells to add to our smoothies which would be quite beneficial.
Where do they sleep?
They sleep in the roosting area. The roost at night is an interesting dynamic with their attempts to disrupt and maintain the pecking order. Hens have "assigned seats" and will sometimes get pecked by the top hen if someone disrupts the order.
Why are there white stones in their pen?
The white stones are called "oyster shells." These provide calcium for keeping the eggshells hard, healthy, and protected during the laying process. Chickens know when they need more calcium and will consume what they need.
Why are there tiny rocks in their pen?
When chickens forage and free range, they have access to tiny stones and pebbles called "grit." This grit helps their gut and aids with digestion in their crop. Chickens know when they need more grit and will consume what they need. When they free range, they consume grit naturally from the ground. When they are unable to freely range, they need to have grit nearby to consume as needed.
Do you eat their eggs?
Yes, we do eat their eggs. They are absolutely delicious. Let us know if you'd like to try our chicken eggs sometime! We sell them for $6/dozen or $3/half dozen. We also collect cardboard egg cartons if you have some.