Nature is the greatest playground of all. I love the simple beauty and joy of nature-based play and learning. Plastic toys and virtual worlds disconnect us from nature and do nothing for the imagination with predetermined uses and results.
Nature is limitless and only bound by the unlimited creativity of a child. In my observation, the more a child is in nature…the more creative and curious they become. The natural surroundings outdoors
with all the smells, colors, and sounds provoke our senses in beautiful ways. A child’s wonder about creatures and how systems work sparks more even more wonder. A child’s curiosity about life and all living things sparks more curiosity. A child’s love for creating and making expands and they learn to use what’s around them. Problem solving and skill building. Naturally. Playful learning. Hands on work. Never dull or uninviting.
Rotation. Transforming. Connection. The three play schemas in this brought so much joy, focus, curiosity, and wonder to these children today. They were curious about how to wrap and spin the sticks with yarn. They wondered about how to connect the yarn to their sticks. They joyfully chose more colors to add to their masterpiece…layer upon layer. Their creation brought a sense of accomplishment and ownership. Their little hands spun the sticks until the yarn was at the end which took time, coordination, patience, calm, and focus. Fine motor skills at work. Creativity and persistence. Uniquely their own.
#childhoodunplugged #playfullearning #natureplay #letthemplay